Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"Engage" takes on left anti-semitism

As you will recall, the "Engage" website was started by several British left-wing academics, particularly David Hirsh and Jon Pike, for the purpose of mobilizing opposition to the AUT blacklist of Israeli academics--from a perspective committed to support for a negotiated two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including an independent Palestinian state and an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories captured in 1967. They played a significant role in getting the AUT blacklist of Israeli academics overturned.

They now intend to continue the website, and they hope to "build it into an authoritative, global focus for the political and intellectual fight against left antisemitism" (and anti-Zionism, etc.). (For a reminder, see below.) Actually, they address these and related phenomena in the broadest terms, but with a special focus on their manifestations in circles that consider themselves "progressive."

I think this is an important and worthwhile enterprise (and, therefore, I was happy to accept an invitation to join the board of "Advisory Editors.") A lot of substantial and high-quality pieces appear regularly on the "Engage" website, so I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in these issues--and, frankly, these are issues that should be of interest and concern to everyone.

("Engage" could also use some donations to cover expenses, if any of you is feeling generous and/or public-spirited.)

=> Furthermore, I want to mention that around the middle of November David Hirsh will be giving several talks & colloquia in New York City, New Haven, and Montreal. Here is his mini-bio from the "Engage" website:

David Hirsh, the Editor of Engage, is a lecturer in sociology at Goldsmiths College, University of London. He wrote Law against Genocide: Cosmopolitan Trials (GlassHouse 2004), which won the BSA Philip Abrams Prize for the best first book in sociology in 2004. David is currently working on antisemitism and anti-Zionism; nationalism and cosmopolitanism; cosmopolitan and international law; human rights; ethnic cleansing and genocide; Israel/Palestine and fundamentalism. David played a leading role in the campaign to reverse the AUT boycott of Israeli universities.

I know that his colloquium at the City University of New York / Graduate Center is scheduled for Friday, November 11. When I have more complete information about this and his other colloquia, I will pass it on. (Yes, I know that some of you are very far from the northeastern US ... but, at the very least, you might be able to spread the word to people who would be nearby and interested in attending.)

Yours in struggle,
Jeff Weintraub


Engage Needs Money

Engage needs money to help pay for:
• Admin help, to keep the website running
• Web fees, phone bills, travel costs
• Printing and meeting rooms
• The Engage conference in Sep 2006

Please donate through paypal, by clicking on the paypal link on the homepage or send a cheque payable to “Engage” to PO Box 40072, London N6 4XU.

(The PayPal link on the "Engage" website looks like this:)